Showbiz Made Desperate

Wednesday 21 May 2008

i-D Hearts Mariah

OK, We’re just jealous because we don’t get flown around the world to write fawning celebrity profile pieces but surely i-D’s interview with Mariah Carey was a little bit on the sucky-up side by anyone’s measure?

It’s easy done. We’ve met Mariah. The boobs! The charisma! But surely a magazine like i-D should know better than to go and apologise on Mariah’s behalf for her diva strops? As we all know she recently hung up on dimwit Radio 1 presenter Reggie Yates for getting her album sales figures wrong. Anyone else would have just corrected him. Here’s i-D’s take:

“The fact of the matter remains that the interviewer had been wrongly briefed, to the tune of 80 million sales. Mariah is the singer and mostly the author of 160 million records the world over, making her the most successful female artist of al time. She is allowed and should be encouraged to be proud of that fact and not to accidentally have it halved for public consumption.”

Looks like a free “splash of champagne” goes a long way!


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